Looking back & looking forward. | Blog Post by Kenry

Time flies and 2018 has already came to an end. I already lost count how many boxes I’ve received from Mits (The Stationery Selection), and yet I still look forward to it every month and exploring all of the amazing stationery goodies selected.

It’s truly a wonderful year in which I got selected as part of TSS design team, got to know all other lovely TSS ladies – Petra, Connie & Skylar (and of course Mits!), explored the stationery world with so many amazing people, expanded my baking studio into a café, etc.

Looking back 2018, I found my stationery collection (stamps / papers / pens / MTs) had crazily expanded and I would like to share with you here my top 5 favourite item from previous The Stationery Selection boxes.

  1. Delfonics Inner Carry Pouch (March 2018) – yes I can never forget the day when Mits messaged us about this surprise. Absolutely love this pouch and I still carry it around for any journal meet-ups.

2.  Classiky Porcelain Stamp & Wax Sticks (May 2018) – it’s really my first ever wax-sealing moment!

3.  Sumi-based Watercolour Box (June 2018) – Watercolouring is quite a big trend in 2018 and I love this colour combination so much!

4.  MD Notebook Diary Thin (Oct 2018) – Another surprising first time moment to me (I never owned or used a MD Diary before!!) – thanks to Mits for such a precious chance of trying out something new in 2019

5.  Maruai Mizuhiki Charm (Nov 2018) – I never knew we’re getting this in last month’s box, so—it’s purely a big surprise and I really love how it looks on my olive TN as a charm

As I said before, watercolouring has been a big trend in 2018 and even for the last box in 2018 offered several related items – wif Art watercolour paper pad, Boku-undo watercolour box, and watercolour brush.

But something caught my eye from this box was actually the Mitsubishi red-blue colour pencil. It made me think of a book: The Ballpoint Doodle Handbook: A red, blue and black inspired activity book, which illustrates how to doodle with only red, blue and black colours. So I made an attempt to do a red-blue lead pencil sketching of one of my café menus – buttermilk panna cotta cup and surprisingly found that red can actually go so well with blue.

In 2019, I wish to continue to share my love to stationery with you here and on my instagram. My New Year’s resolutions in 2019 might just be as simple as that keep creating, keep journaling, keep loving!

Dec’s box (left) and my attempt sketching with red-blue colour pencil (right)


January page of my MD Notebook Diary, and I can’t wait to start with my hobonichi techo!

Kenry @canrie Instagram

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  • Di on

    Having only stumbled upon The Stationery Selection very recently, the only one of these these that I have been fortunate enough to receive is the charm.
    Oh how I wish that I had been around for the pouch!
    Thank you for sharing these with us.

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